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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML) are bringing greater innovation to enterprise validation processes and testing. In today’s rapid-paced technological environment, automation is no longer a luxury, it is a NECESSITY. REGISTER TODAY for one of our insightful webinars to learn more about how Digital Validation is delivering efficiency, process optimization and sustained compliance for global life sciences companies.

Digital IV&V: How Automation Is Shaping The Future Of Validation
Hosted by Vincent Bailey, Valarie King-Bailey
AUTOMATION IS NO LONGER A LUXURY, IT IS A NECESSITY It’s not hard to see the irony in using tedious and time-consuming, paper-based processes to validate computer systems designed to enhance efficiency and compliance. Automation of validation processes enables speedy, accurate, and comprehensive validation. ​ DISCOVER THE POWER OF AUTOMATING YOUR VALIDATION PROGRAM IN THIS FREE WEBINAR
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Navigating Microsoft D365 Cadence Releases in A Validated Systems Environment
Hosted by Valarie King-Bailey
ARE YOU STILL STRUGGLING MANUAL VALIDATION OF D365 ON PAPER? If so, you will not want to miss this event! We have been validating Microsoft Dynamics ERP solutions for over 19 years and we have developed a unique solution to help automate and streamline D365 validation processes with our CloudMaster 365 Validation Accelerator For Microsoft Dynamics 365. We will show you how using a Validation Accelerator fully automates validation testing using artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML). Automated testing will allow you to quickly and easily validate your D365 system after each quarterly release and prepare your documentation deliverables with ease. Please register now for this on demand webinar and watch at your convenience. If you use D365 and are struggling to keep up with changes in this critical cloud environment, you will not want to miss this event! I will see you there! ​
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2024 Humans Wanted: Streamline & Automate Testing Using AI/ML
Hosted by Vincent Bailey, Valarie King-Bailey
About this webinar Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. Learn how TestMasterAI has applied this to validation testing and verification to provide next generation testing. ​ What you’ll learn
Understanding How AI/ML Is Revolutionizing Validation Testing Maintaining The Validated State: Manual Vs Automated Testing Demo: See AI/ML In Action For Validation Testing
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